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Meet HFM's MVP for April 2023

Tell us who you are, where you're from and how you serve with the team at Hope for Miami.

My name is David Neverman. I was born in South Korea, grew up in Murrieta, CA and currently serve as a Health Educator on the Ready4Life team here at Hope for Miami.

How do you think your skills, gifts, knowledge and interests equip you to do your tasks?

I love learning about new topics and skills. I like getting to know people; what drives them, and how they think and feel. I value openness, transparency, and empathy. I enjoy being in a space where everyone can bring their own gifts and passions together. I love the experience of asking questions and letting others feel heard and seen. Bringing all of these skills together at Hope for Miami has allowed me to serve my community, my co-workers, and my family better.

What’s one aspect of Hope for Miami’s work that most encourages and motivates you?

Aside from knowing that we are making a positive impact in our community, what encourages me the most about serving at Hope for Miami is the culture of encouragement. Encouragement and support for one another other are embedded into every level of the organization. It is a great feeling working with people who see each other and lift each other up whenever they get the chance.

Finally, tell us something interesting about yourself to help us get to know you better.

So over the last two years, I’ve begun collecting and reading cookbooks on Asian food, most of them by Asian-American authors. It started a few years back as I was looking for a way to connect to my Korean heritage. My parents bought me Robin Ha’s "Cook Korean!", an awesome comic book-style cookbook. I was hooked. My number one recommendation for anyone interested in understanding cooking and food is Samin Nosrat’s "Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat".

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