Watch this video below that features Illiett Ojeda, a small business owner and mom who recently took our YMHFA class.
While we celebrate and promote good mental health at Hope for Miami all year, for Mental Health Awareness Month, we are featuring our Project Bridge program. We teach the Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) curriculum to any parent or adult who interacts with young people, at no charge.
If you want to learn more about understanding and assisting teens with their mental health, you are welcome to attend an upcoming Youth Mental Health First Aid class. Contact Hayly Ojeda at or visit our webpage for more information.
Also, because our Project Bridge Program Manager, Hayly Ojeda is also a Florida Certified teacher, Hope for Miami offers a lesson plan for children on mental health free for the asking. Click on the button below to sign up to receive this lesson plan and stay in touch with everything that Hope for Miami is doing.