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Unite Us - Florida

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Hope for Miami selected “convener” for Unite Florida

Your agency can extend more services to the families you serve!


Dear Miami Dade Service Provider: What do you do if one of the families, youth or children you serve needs assistance beyond the scope of what your agency offers? Hopefully, you refer them to another organization or provider. But if you do, how can you be sure they get the help they need? 


An Opportunity: Hope for Miami is eager to acquaint interested Miami Dade non-profits, government and community agencies with the benefits of connecting with Unite Florida, a coordinated network of health and social care providers. 


The Benefits: Unite Florida partners are linked together through a HIPAA-compliant shared technology platform which enables them to send and receive electronic referrals, address social needs and improve health across our communities.


Our Invitation: Over the next few months, Hope for Miami will be sharing more about Unite Florida throughout Miami Dade. If you or your agency would like more information about this no-obligation service, click here.

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