1. Hi, tell us who you are, where you are from and how you serve with the team at Hope for Miami.
Hi, I'm Trey! I was born in Asheville, NC and grew up in Miami, FL. I serve as HFM's Graphic Designer, Webmaster and am part of the PR department for Hope for Miami.
2. Thanks, so, how do you think your skills/gifts, knowledge and interests equip you to do your tasks?
I think mostly my experience as a designer and IT tech have helped me provide services for HFM. I'm also really into video production, DIY projects, writing and coding. For over 15 years I've been designing logos and branding for HFM and their partners, as well as providing my services as an IT tech. When HFM was first starting in the early 00's, I was able to volunteer for them and help teach kids to read, make jewelry, make videos and other activities. I even had the opportunity to install networking cables for HFM's offices and helped with renovation when I was 14! Over the years I've learned so much being a part of the team, and getting to know the youth that we serve. It's pretty important to me because this next generation is the generation that will be running the world one day!
3. What’s one aspect of Hope for Miami’s work that most encourages and motivates you?
I think one of the things that HFM's work inspires me most is their honest and transparent process of doing what they do best: provide nurture to children and families in their programs in South Florida. It's a really simple concept that I can appreciate. They serve to serve. Find the need in the community, and provide for it - and I think that's super noble.
4. Finally, tell us something interesting about yourself to help us get to know you better.
I recently built-out the basement of my family home in Asheville, NC. It was an awesome experience, being able to use (and re-use) materials local to the Appalachian Mountains.
It wasn't easy, but it's one of the things I'm most proud of. Being able to use my crafting and design skills was a fun thing to tackle. To see the product of the process was very fulfilling, and I often take a similar process when I do my graphic design and arts for HFM.
I guess it's pretty fulfilling to know that some part of what I create, whether it be videos, graphics, websites, PR or writing, that I can play a part of the Shalom that HFM strives to create in Miami.