1. Hi, tell us who you are, where you are from and how you serve with the team at Hope for Miami.
My name is Helen De Cossio, born on the beautiful island of Cuba and raised with “sazón” in the 305. Currently, I serve as Program Manager for Hope for Miami’s Project U-Turn after having been part of the team for several years. PUT seeks to reduce the teen pregnancy and HIV/AIDS risk among Miami Dade youth. I was connected to HFM via my great friend Michelle Morales. God allowed this divine connection to let me to express my passion for serving youth. So I began with a passion to serve our youth, as I truly believe they are the generation that will change the world.
2. Thanks, so, how do you think your skills/gifts, knowledge and interests equip you to do your tasks?
I’ve developed extensive skills while working along HFM - from teamwork to flexibility, to the importance of being teachable. One of the most helpful skills I’ve learned during my time has been the beauty of "vulnerability." This often is seen as a weakness, but I have found strength in this skill. "Coming as you are" is an important component to reaching our students. The “relatability factor” is a stepping stone to building relationships with our students and this allows our tasks as educators to be much more effective with our message.
3. What’s one aspect of Hope for Miami’s work that most encourages and motivates you?
I feel motivated by leading a team and helping each member grow. I have been poured into by Hope for Miami to develop management plans and create goals that we could achieve together, allowing us to later celebrate our successes.
4. Finally, tell us something interesting about yourself to help us get to know you better.
I enjoy all outdoor activities. Connecting with nature fills my soul. Lately, I have picked up a childhood hobby- which is skating! I have fallen plenty of times. Yet continue to learn the best lesson of all - keep going, keep trying, keep pushing!